Wednesday 12 November 2014

Digitalisation of oil fields to come up in future

ill be digitalised in the next 10-15 years as those working there will be able to identify and communicate with one another with the help of internet-enabled contact lenses, a renowned physicist has said Financial Astrology Trading Tips

"Since workers come from across the globe, this contact lens will not only provide an image of what the other individual is seeing but will also give subtitles in any preferred language, immediately translating what is being spoken," said Dr Michio Kaku at the International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC), 2014 here Stock Market Trading Tips

The energy field also depends on expert insights and very soon we will have intelligent wallpaper which will be inscribed with from the world's leading experts, he said.

Workers will have instantaneous access to the knowledge of geophysicists and experts in petroleum with visuals that will help professionals in their practice, Kaku said Free Share Trading Tips

He said demand for energy will increase as with the rise of middle class comes the growing demand for energy 

"It is inevitable that the demand for energy will increase. With the rise of the middle class comes the growing demand for energy and both technology and the exploration of unconventional resources have a critical role to play in meeting that demand," he said.

ADIPEC is hosting its largest ever conference program, organised by the Society of Petroleum Engineers, bringing together more than 600 speakers from 111 organisations Personal Numerology Trading Tips


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