Thursday 4 December 2014

Campus calling: 40 IIT students get Rs. 1 cr-plus offers

It is hiring season in the country’s premier technology institutes, the IITs. And making waves are the girl students, who despite a skewed gender ratio – one girl for every 10 boys – are outdoing the latter in landing plum offers, many with annual packages totalling to Rs. 1 crore or more.
On day 4 of placement interviews at IIT Bombay and IIT Kharagpur, it was a healthy mix of new economy and core manufacturing firms that saw 130 top companies such as GE, Airbus Industrie, Rolls Royce, Shell, Taiwan Semi-Conductor Manufacturing Corp, Facebook and Flipkart queuing up to chase India’s finest brains Stock Market Trading Tips
Deepali Adlakha, a B Tech (computer science) student at IIT Bombay was hired on day 1 by social networking website Facebook as a software engineer. Her base salary is Rs. 65 lakh.
“This is the average figure that tech companies like Facebook, Google, Microsoft have been offering to students from IITs. I will be joining Facebook in either September or October next year and will work out of Menlo Park, San Francisco,” Deepali told HT. The institute has also seen five other girl students bag similar job offers — beating the gender ratio of students on the campus.
Deepali’s gross package, including bonus and stock options, will come to a gross of Rs. 1.44 crore.
The students were chary of sharing overall compensation figures, and the IIT officials also did not like to dwell on the salaries. However, according to some of the students, over 40 people have got offers that tot up to well over Rs. 1 crore per year Financial Astrology Trading Tips
Facebook has also hired three other computer science graduates of which two were given pre-placement offers. The average gross salary for the trio is Rs. 1.40 crore a year.
But the computer science student is not the only IIT graduate to have been hired by a tech company. Darpan Malkan, a metallurgical engineering from IIT Bombay was hired by Flipkart, where he will work in different verticals including strategy, marketing before being confirmed in one department.
In all about 40 students from various IITs were recruited on the first day itself.
While job offers have been plenty from manufacturing and core sector firms, placement coordinators say that the higher offers from tech companies get all the attention and distorts the average package. The institutes are strict in not talking about salaries. “Start-ups typically offer more as their funding is directly linked to the number of IIT grads they hire,” said Mohak Mehta, placement manager at IIT Bombay. “But being an engineering institute, we make sure core manufacturing also gets due attention and are the first to meet our students Nifty Trading Tips
Kartikeya Pophali, who is doing his masters in mechanical engineering from IIT Bombay, has been hired by oil major Shell at their technology center at Bangalore.
Atishay Sharma, another masters student in electrical engineering, has been roped in as an R&D engineer with Taiwan SemiConductor Manufacturing Corp in Taiwan.

IIT Kharagpur, another premier IIT, has also seen Flipkart, Google and other tech majors hire their talented students. “Flipkart has taken about 25 students and we expect another 90 students in the pre-placement programme,” said one coordinator who asked not to be named Jackpot Trading Tips


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