Monday 1 December 2014

Choose equities before and after retirement for long-term needs

Investing in equities over a long period is one of the best ways to stay ahead of inflation. The popular indicator for the performance of equities in India is the BSE sensex. In about 35 years, the sensex has delivered a compounded annual return of about 17%, from 100 in 1979 to over 28,000 now Stock Market Trading Tips
Every investor has two phases in his her financial life: the accumulation phase and the distribution phase. During the accumulation phase, he/she saves part of his/her earnings and invests the same for accumulating a corpus for the retirement years, that is the distribution phase when the income from such corpus (and at times partly principal too, if enough accumulation wasn't done) is used for expenses. The traditional theory is that one may invest in an equity oriented portfolio in the accumulation years, but should make the portfolio debt oriented as one reaches retirement, to avoid volatility in investments in non-earning years. Free Stock Share Tips
My belief is that prior to retirement, as close to 100% of the long term investments should be in equities as one can emotionally withstand volatility. After retirement too, as close to 100% of the long term investments should be in equities as one can emotionally withstand volatility.Financial Astrology Trading Tips


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