Monday 29 June 2015

'Reverse consent' to be part of three-point formula for land Bill compromise

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is mulling a three-point compromise formula to reach out to the opponents of the government's contentious amendments to the 2013 Land Acquisition Act. Those who have opposed the amendments range from nearly all the opposition parties to ally theShiromani Akali Dal as well as the Sangh Parivar-affiliated outfits  Astrology & Numerology books

The government's land Bill is currently with a joint committee of Parliament, which is to give its report when Parliament'smonsoon session begins on July 21. The BJP has also formed an internal committee of the party to study the Bill. The committee had earlier suggested the government bring about nine amendments to its Bill, which the government did .Jackpot Trading Tips

But the opposition, as well as Sangh Parivar outfits have continued to object to deletion of the consent clause and social impact assessment from the 2013 Act. While the government deleted the consent clause totally, Sangh Parivar outfits such as the Bharatiya Kisan Sangh and Mazdoor Sangh do not want the "consent clause" to be who are affected by any acquisition. Free Stock Share Tips


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