Friday 31 July 2015

Mukund Mohan quits Microsoft

 After a three year stint at Microsoft Ven tures, Mukund Mohan is leaving the organization run by the Redmond-based software giant. 

Microsoft's accelerator programme was one of the pioneering ones in India, and Mohan drove it in its initial years. He was in Bengaluru between 2012 and 2014 before moving to Microsoft's of fice in the US. On Thursday, Mohan wrote a blog post ti tled `Goodbye Microsoft Ventures, 3 years of fun comes to an end' Himanshu Tiwari Astrologer

In the blog he wrote: "Microsoft Ventures itself has taken a dramatic change in the last year. The fund did not materialize and the program focused only on accelerators, which is good, but only a part of the puzzle and not the solu tion was my impression." 

Speaking to TOI from Seattle, Mohan indicated that Microsoft Ventures wanted to do much more but couldn't. 

Microsoft Ventures has seven accelerators across the globe. These provide startups with a variety of help, including free space to operate from for about six months, access to men tors and investors, and access to Microsoft's tools and software. But unlike many accelerator programmes, it does not provide funds. Mohan appears to have been disappointed by this Financial Astrology Trading Tips 

However, in the blog post he also noted that Microsoft Ventures had "changed to become a big corporate team in the last year. It can still continue to make an impact in ecosystems around the world." 

He said he would continue to work with startups. Mohan is a serial entrepreneur having built and sold companies. He has also been an angel investor in 34 startups in India and Silicon Valley Jackpot stocks Trading Tips


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