Sunday 23 August 2015

Cos bite into quick-fix weekday breakfast pie

 Strapped for time, urban homemakers are makingbreakfast quicker on weekdays but spending nearly twice as much time on weekends, reflecting changing lifestyles especially in double-income families

With more women getting into the workforce, they have lesser time at hand. This has also spurred the growth in packaged foods that caters to consumers' breakfast needs more in a quick-fix manner, such as ready-to-eat (RTE) and ready-to-cook (RTC) products. The size of the RTE/RTC market is said to be in the range of Rs 3,000-3,500 crore. The rapid growth can be gauged from the fact that about five years back, the size of the branded breakfast market was around Rs 400 crore Stock Market Trading Tips

Quoting survey data points from an IMRB research, Vikran Sabherwal, VP (marketing), MTR Foods, said, "Our studies indicate that while homemakers across cities like Delhi, Kolkata, Bangalore generally spend less than an hour making breakfast on a weekday, it usually extends to one-two hours on a weekend. The study conducted across six leading cities in north, west and south of India showed that on an average 52% of the respondents belonging to socio economic groups (SEC) A and B spend one-two hours on preparing breakfast over a holiday, whereas 61% of respondents said they spent less than an hour on preparing breakfast on a working day." 

Lifestyles have undergone a change since a decade ago. "The earlier generation used to spend, say, one hour for making breakfast, one hour on cooking lunch and another hour for dinner. Today, as a society, we may be rich on money but we are poor on time. Homemakers, who are working women themselves, spend less time on making breakfast - sometimes just about ten minutes - and despite that each member of the household gets to eat his or her choice of dish, just like in a food court," said Devendra Chawla, group president (food & FMCG brands), Future Group Himanshu Tiwari Astrologer Blog

The shift in lifestyle has been a challenge for makers of packaged food products to utilize this as an opportunity and cater to the evolving consumer needs. Chawla said this has been made possible because packaged food brands have walked half the journey to help the housewife meet everybody's breakfast needs, by providing her with semi-finished goods and ready-to-eat meals. 

Time pressures during weekdays lessen the scope of experimentation. "So during weekends, when there is more time at hand - the homemaker likes to experiment with making dishes for her family for the sheer joy of cooking," said Chawla. A Kellogg India spokesperson said consumers are far more open to experimenting with food now. However, the spokesperson said, while trying new products and dishes, there is a constant effort to try and indigenize them and ease them into the food repertoire to gain more acceptability - especially in the more habit-driven, conventional families. 

Another key trend is people experimenting with cuisines from different regions. "This trend is more prominent during the weekends or on a day off, e.g. 27% of households in SEC A/B in Chennai like to experiment with North Indian food during the weekends, while 46% in Mumbai like to try out traditional South Indian food on their day off from work," said Sabherwal Indian stock market astrology prediction


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