Tuesday 4 August 2015

RBI gives govt ‘to-do’ list for rate easing

 RBI has once again handed over a 'to-do' list for the government, which would enable further easing of interest rates Stock Market Tips

The list is nothing new. The central bank has flagged the vital issue of accelerating reforms and improving supplies to protect the nascent recovery which is underway. It has also flagged the threat from inflation and the need to keep a close watch on the price situation in pulses and oilseeds. 

"Turning to the balance of inflation risks, most worrisome is the sustained hardening of inflation excluding food and fuel. Moreover, the full effects of the service tax increase, which took effect from June, will feed through over the rest of the year," RBI governor Raghurama Rajan said in the policy statement, highlighting the need for a careful watch on the inflation situation. RBI clearly wants to adopt a 'wait and watch' mode for now as far as easing rates is concerned and wants to have a better picture of the situation by September particularly the spread of monsoon rains, the path of US Fed policy and the progress of domestic reforms Commodity Trading Tips 

The government which is battling a stalemate in Parliament, has a tough task of pushing the reform agenda to shield growth. On top of the list is food price management in the months ahead, followed by accelerating reforms and speeding up inputs such as power and land. 

The central bank has taken note of the work done by the Centre to keep a check on prices and its move to keep minimum support prices within reasonable limits. But, more effort is needed to steer the economy from the sluggish pace and sustain the growth momentum. 

The government is hoping that RBI will ease interest rates next month. Finance ministry officials say with inflation under control and a revival in monsoon rains, the central bank may relent on easing rates by September Commodity Trading Tips  ,


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