Sunday 6 September 2015

India ranks low on inclusive growth, development ranking: WEF

India has been ranked very low, mostly in the bottom half, globally on most of the parametres for inclusive growth and development even as it fares much better internationally when it come to business and political ethics Stock Market Trading Tips

In a first of its kind global rankings, across different groups of countries in terms of their per capita income levels, the World Economic Forum (WEF) found that most countries are in fact missing major opportunities to reduce income inequality and same is the case with India. 

WEF said that the new study, which was conducted over the past two years, seeks to identify the various ways policymakers can drive economic growth and equity at the same time - and assesses them on their relative success in implementing these measures. 

"Our message is unequivocally that leaders must pursue economic strategies that are at the same time pro-growth and pro-labour," said the Geneva-based think tank known for its economic conclaves held in different parts of the world including in Davos, Switzerland and in India Himanshu Tiwari Astrologer Blog

India has mostly been ranked in the bottom half of the 38 countries that make up our lower middle income bracket. 

Particularly disappointing is its position in terms of Fiscal Transfers, where it ranks 37th out of 38. It also ranks very low at 32nd for Tax Code and 36th for social protection. WEF said that another area that policymakers in India would need to prioritise improvement would be 'Asset building and entrepreneurship', in particular the Small business ownership, where India ranks bottom among its peers at 38th place. 

However, India does demonstrate leadership in some areas, WEF said, while naming areas like corruption and rents where it comes 8th Indian stock market astrology prediction

For business and political ethics, India ranks 12th, while it ranks 11th on the Financial intermediation of real economy investment pillar, which suggests that money invested in the economy generally gets directed towards productive uses. 

WEF said its first Inclusive Growth and Development Report presents a new framework for assessing countries' efforts to foster economic growth that raises the living standards of entire societies. 

"Around the world, no bigger policy challenge preoccupies political leaders than expanding social participation in the process and benefits of economic growth," WEF said while releasing the report that covers 112 economies Commodity Market Astrology Tips


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