Friday 30 October 2015

‘CFOs feel eco conditions biggest threat’

A majority of chief financial officers consider economic conditions as the biggest threat to their business, a survey has shown Stock Market Trading Tips

American Express' CFO Future-Proofing Survey showed that 84% of CFOs were of the view that economic conditions would have a moderate to significant impact on business, while 69% said government regulations and adverse policy changes was the second biggest threat. The survey said CFOs were seeing a change in their roles — from being largely focused on finance and accounts to enhancing business profitability. "The emerging mandate for CFOs is not only about providing financial planning and analysis, but also key information about where the business is going," it said Himanshu Tiwari Astrologer Blog

In all, 79% saw future-proofing as a major thrust area of their organization over the last few years. TNN


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