Wednesday 2 December 2015

Bank fraud doubles in one year

In May 2015, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) set up a Central Fraud Registry to check growing bank fraud. After this, the Prime Minister’s Office called a meeting to review the fraud-detection system, a clear indication that the government was worried Stock Market Trading Tips
It was more than just a bunch of bounced cheques.
The media reported the move, but largely laid the blame on the rise in bank non-performing assets (NPA), loans in danger of default.
Now, data obtained by, a Bangalore-based startup helping citizens file queries under the Right-to-Information (RTI) Act, via the RTI reveals that NPAs are not entirely to blame Himanshu Tiwari Astrologer Blog
NPAs did rise 23% between 2013-14 and 2014-15, threatening India’s banking system, but it is also true that in the year since Narendra Modi’s government took charge, there has been a 100% increase in bank fraud (as per RBI data). Indeed, this is why the RBI set up the fraud registry and why the PMO reviewed the fraud-detection system Indian stock market astrology prediction


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