Monday 11 January 2016

Awards won by RBI Governor Raghuram Rajan

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Governor Raghuram Rajanhas been felicitated with the Central Banker of the YearAward (Global and Asia Pacific) for 2016 by The Banker, the Financial Times Group's monthly publication Stock Market Trading Tips
"RBI's focus on taming inflation - India is set to hit its 6 per cent target in 2016 - was key to this performance and reinforced foreign investors' confidence in India's currency and rupee-denominated assets," the magazine said

Here are some other awards conferred upon the RBIGovernor:

1:  In January last year, British magazine Central Banking, named Rajan as the ‘Governor of the Year’. The magazine said: "Rajan's disciplined and focused approach in leading the Reserve Bank during his first year as governor was remarkably impressive." The award was presented in March, 2015, in London Himanshu Tiwari Astrologer Blog

2: In October, 2014, Rajan was conferred with the Best Central Bank Governor award for 2014 by Euromoneymagazine. According to the magazine, Rajan's tough monetary medicine mitigated the storm ravaging the deficit-ridden economy in the recent emerging market crisis. 
3: In September, 2013, Rajan was awarded awarded the Fifth Deutsche Bank Prize for Financial Economics 2013. He was conferred with the award in recognition of his research work which influenced financial and macro-economic policies around the world.

4: Rajan’s book How Hidden Cracks Still Threaten the World Economy won the Financial TimesBusiness Book of the Year award in 2010 Indian stock market astrology prediction

5: Raghuram Rajan won the Fischer Black Prize in 2003. The prize, established in 2002, honours individual financial research. It is awarded for a body of work that exemplifies developing original research that is relevant to finance practice.   


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