Sunday 20 March 2016

Banned FDC drugs: Why the pharma industry's complaints smack of hypocrisy

The next time you have fever which refuses to come down despite medication, blame it on the medicine. Chances are that your body has become immune to the medicine, or the percentage of the effective ingredient in the pill you are taking is very low. This is because in India we have a concept called Fixed Dose Combinations (FDC) where more than one type of drug is mixed and sold.
 In order to prevent this practice and weed out medicines which are no longer effective, the government has decided to ban some of these FDCs. Developed countries do not have this concept of FDCs.         Indian stock market astrology prediction

However, not all FDCs are bad. As pointed out by D G Shah, Director General of Indian Pharmaceutical Alliance (IPA), in diseases like tuberculosis and malaria which are specific to tropical countries like India, antiretroviral FDCs have helped bring down the number of pills a patient has to take without sacrificing on the efficacy of the treatment  Commodity Market Astrology Tips
2015 study by PLOS Medicine shows that of 175 FDC formulations across 4 categories in India, only 60, or 34%, were approved by Central Drug Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO). The findings also show that the sale of unapproved products was higher than that of approved ones, with the 175 FDC formulations appearing in the market as 4,000 products. This, no doubt, will further justify the government’s drug ban.  Jackpot Stocks Trading Tips
However, trust the government to make a hash of a good policy. There is no doubt that the intent was good, but the delivery was bad.
It seemed like an overnight decision was taken to impose a ban, a day before a case was expected to come up in the Supreme Court questioning the role of drug regulator in enforcing rules of product safety. Though Chandrakant Kokate, the head of the consultative committee that recommended the curbs on irrational combinations, says that notice had been given to companiesthree months after a sub-clause notice was sent to them asking why their drugs should not be banned. The response from the industry, he claims, was poor.  Share Market Astrology  


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