Wednesday 2 March 2016

Osama bin Laden feared his wife's tooth held a tracking device

WASHINGTON: US drones were devastating the upper ranks of al-Qaida, his men were killing suspected spies, andOsama bin Laden wondered: Could an Iranian dentist have planted a tracking device in his wife's tooth? Nifty Trading Tips

"The size of the chip is about the length of a grain of wheat and the width of a fine piece of vermicelli," he wrote, using the nom de guerre Abu Abdallah.
A few paragraphs later, bin Laden signs off and then adds, "Please destroy this letter after reading it."  Indian stock market astrology prediction

The letter was among thousands of pages of documents and other materials seized by Navy SEALs during the raid on bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in May 2011, and it was declassified Tuesday with 112 other pieces of writings and letters found in the al-Qaida leader's hideout.  Himanshu Tiwari Astrologer Blog

US officials have said that the intelligence seized by the SEALs during the raid included letters, spreadsheets, books and pornography. Yet only a fraction of the materials have been made public — Tuesday's release was the second set of documents from the raid to be declassified — and experts have cautioned against drawing broad conclusions until there is more.    Share Market Astrology

The bulk of the materials released Tuesday come from the last decade of bin Laden's life, and include letters to lieutenants and loved ones, drafts of speeches he was preparing to release and stray bits of operational minutia.
An undated will that bin Laden is believed to have written by hand in the late 1990s was included in the documents released Tuesday.  Jackpot Stocks Trading Tips


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