Friday 22 April 2016

India among 170-plus countries to sign Paris climate deal

India signed the historic Paris climate agreement at United Nations headquarters in New York along with more than 170 countries, marking a significant step for beginning work on cutting down greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming.   Commodity Market Astrology Tips
Environment Minister Prakash Javadekar signed the agreement in the UN General Assembly hall at a ceremony hosted by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The ceremony was attended by heads of government, ministers, corporate leaders and artists. However, plenty of work remains to be done before the agreement becomes operational. For the agreement to come in to force, it would have to be officially ratified by at least 55 countries accounting for at least 55 per cent of the global greenhouse gas emissions.    Stock Market Trading Tips

 The signing on Friday, under international law, is one small and ceremonial step towards ratification. Under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, signing without formally depositing a document of ratification implies that the country has decided to act in good faith to not defeat the object and purpose of the treaty. Only a handful of small developing countries were expected to complete their ratification process on Friday. When negotiations for the Paris agreement began, it was meant to come in to operation in 2020. But the final wording of the pact leaves it open to being put in place earlier than 2020.        Himanshu Tiwari Astrologer Blog

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change secretariat listed out 135 different tasks of detailing the agreement that have to be completed before it can be operationalised - each of these is subject to negotiations between the 190-plus countries and requiring their consensus approval.
One key negotiator for India at the Paris talks explained, "If I was to draw a parallel to the Indian system, the law has been put in place, now rules are to be built to make it work." These rules will be put in place through negotiations over the next three-four years, away from the kind of public attention the Paris meet in 2015 garnered. But the rules, history of negotiations for Kyoto Protocol shows, require as laborious a process of negotiations with countries wary of the devil in the details and holding on for a bargain.         Personal Numerology


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