Monday 21 November 2016

Amul's efforts to go cashless receives a boost

Cooperative dairies like the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, which sells milk under the Amulbrand, are happy they had pushed for cashless transactions with milk farmers at the right time. The drive has been on for over a year and the Gujarat government recently issued an advisory to district milk unions to route all milk transactions through banks Stock Market Astrology Tips

"We have been for long discussing with dairies on going cashless. However, there was some resistance so we had requested the Gujarat government to send an advisory in this regard," said R S Sodhi, managing director of the GCMMF, the country's largest dairy cooperative, which works with over 3.6 million farmers affiliated with over 18,000 village cooperative societies that handle around 17 million litres of milk a day. 

A source confirmed an advisory in this regard was issued by the Gujarat government on November 5, three days before Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes. Sources said dairy cooperatives were using this circular to push farmers to open bank accounts and accept payment in their accounts Astrology and Numerology Trading Tips


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