Friday 18 November 2016

Demonetisation: Tourism industry knocks at govt doors with bag of woes

Tourism Minister Mahesh Sharma may say there's no crisis, but his ministry is flooded with representations and complaints on the chaos triggered by demonetisation in peak tourist season.   Stock Market Astrology

"The Incredible India slogan is being talked of so very mockingly. The foreign tourist is unable to spend his money, shop or buy a drink, or hire a taxi," Pronab Sarkar, head of the Indian Association of Tour Operators, told ET.

His outfit has made a detailed representation to the ministry, saying that "foreign tourists should not suffer...feel cheated".  Intraday Trading Tips

India attracts maximum number of foreign tourists in November and December. Last year, the figure touched 1.7 million during these months. Large numbers have pre-booked tours this year as well, with the sector anticipating a major bump up in numbers.    Commodity Trading Tips

But operators want more steps. They have urged that demonetised currency be allowed beyond November 24, until swipe machines are in place at monuments and museums. They also want the exchange ceiling to be relaxed for foreign tourists and have suggested that scrapped notes be accepted for road tax by state governments.   Future & Option Trading Tips


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