Sunday 26 March 2017

Commodity picks: 27 March, 2017


Barley is trading at Rs 1,594 a quintal in the Jaipur market. Prices are expected to trade lower towards Rs 1,500 a quintal in a couple of weeks, following pressure from seasonal arrivals and sluggish buying by malting industries. Higher stocks with big malting industries would also put pressure on the prices. Future & Option Trading Tips


Soyabean prices at the Indore spot market are trading at Rs 3,042 a quintal. In the coming days, prices are expected to head towards Rs 3,000 a quintal. Soyabean crush margins are negative, which could impact demand from processors. Domestic demand for soyameal is steady. While export parity has waned with a recent increase in meal prices, weak global cues could also weigh on meal prices and widen the crush disparity. Financial Astrology Tips


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