Tuesday 20 June 2017

Fitch: Strongest World Growth Expected Since 2010

The recovery in global growth is strengthening and is expected to pick up to 2.9% this year and peak at 3.1% in 2018, the highest rate since 2010, says Fitch Ratings in its latest Global Economic Outlook (GEO). "Faster growth this year reflects a synchronised improvement across both advanced and emerging market economies. Macro policies and tightening labour markets are supporting demand growth in advanced countries, while the turnaround in China's housing market since 2015 and the recovery in commodity prices from early 2016 has fuelled a rebound in emerging market demand," said Brian Coulton, Fitch's Chief Economist. Nifty Trading Tips

The biggest positive forecast revision since Fitch's March GEO is to the eurozone. Here, stronger incoming data, improving external demand and greater confidence that ECB QE is gaining traction on activity have resulted in an upward revision of 0.3pps to the 2017 eurozone growth forecast, taking it to 2%. The recent pick-up in world trade growth has also been striking. However, this improving global picture implies an evolving monetary policy outlook. China has recently seen a tightening in credit conditions, which will start to have an impact on growth later this year and the Fed looks set to pursue a normalisation course at a rate of three or four hikes per year through 2019. Low core inflation allows the ECB to carry on with QE for the time being, but the reduction in deflation risks will see the programme phased out by mid-2018. Future & Option Trading Tips


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