Tuesday 27 June 2017

Seafood exports to the US face quality issues

Among seafood exporters to America, those from India and Vietnam had the highest number of consignment rejections between January and May this year. The US is the top destination for Indian seafood export. Of 47 rejections of consignments by the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA), those from India and Vietnam were 12 each, according to data compiled by CARE Ratings. “Export rejections from India have been on the higher side, primarily due to lack of proper infrastructure facilities with regard to adequate quality check at various levels. Shrimp farmers who procure the broodstock for cultivation need to ensure the stock procured is free from viruses/contamination and the level of antibiotic in the water (where shrimps are cultivated) is within the permissible range,” said Puja Jalan, senior manager at CARE. The second level of quality check takes place before the shrimps enter the processing stage and finally before the consignment is exported. There are lapses at various stages. Financial Astrology Tips


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