Thursday 8 June 2017

UK elections 2017: Theresa May loses majority; hung Parliament confirmed

A hung Parliament is the likely result of the June 8 general elections in the UK as the Theresa May-led Conservatives have failed to win an overall majority. the latest BBC forecast has said. The Gurdian has also reported that a hung Parliament has been confirmed. At the time of writing, the Conservatives had won 316 seats, down from the 331 won by the party in the 2015 general election, while the Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour Party had won 265 seats, adding 33 seats to their previous tally. The results were in line with what exit polls had forecast. According to the NOP/Ipsos MORI poll for BBC/ITV/Sky channels, May's ruling Conservative party was set to lose its parliamentary majority in the crucial general election. The exit poll came after the voting was closed Thursday evening. The Conservative party is shy of the magic 326 figure for an overall majority in the House of Commons.  Commodity trading tips 


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