Monday 10 July 2017

Farmers worried as cotton yield may be hit this year due to poor rains

Even as farmers seem inclined to bring more area under cotton this year, they fear a decline in yield due to deficient rainfall in major growing areas during the last three weeks. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecast this year's monsoon, like last year's, to be normal. But, despite being a normal monsoon in terms of the long-period average (LPA), distribution remained a worry last year. While the middle, northern and eastern parts of India received above normal rainfall, the western and southern parts remained deficient. Experts have started fearing a repeat of last year, with reports of deficient rainfall in large cotton-growing regions. Financial Astrology Tips

Farmers' fears of lower yields this year assume significance as they had achieved record productivity and got better prices last year despite lower acreage. Encouraged by last year's realisation, farmers have slowed down the speed of cotton sowing after over 50 per cent increase in acreage early this season. "While the Cotton Advisory Board (CAB) is likely to come out with cotton output forecast, we are estimating 10 per cent increase in acreage with an output of 350 lakh (35 million) bales this year," said Kavita Gupta, Textiles Commissioner, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, on the sidelines of 65th National Garment Fair here on Monday. Astrology and Numerology Trading Tips


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