Monday 3 July 2017

Vegetable prices rise up to 87% in two weeks

Vegetables have become up to 87 per cent costlier over the past two weeks in the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC), Vashi, near here due to supply disruptions following heavy rain. Prices of tomato (hybrid) have risen by 87 per cent since June 19 to trade currently at Rs 28 a kg at the Vashi mandiIn the Kolkata and Bengaluru wholesale markets, tomato (hybrid) is quoted at Rs 51 a kg and Rs 45 a kg, respectively, according to the National Horticulture Board (NHB). In both markets, tomato prices have risen by 60 per cent over the last week. While a price rise during the first spell of the monsoon rainfall is usual, the spurt this year is abnormal. Future & Option Trading Tips

“Stockists in Maharashtra are supplying vegetables to mandis in Madhya Pradesh and Delhi for better realisation. This has reduced vegetables supply to Vashi. Since the government allowed free movement of fruits and vegetable from the production centre to any mandi across India, prices are moving up across the country,” said Vasudev Gupta, a Vashi-based vegetable stockist. Last year, the government delisted fruits and vegetables from APMCs, which allowed farmers to sell their produce in markets of their choice. While the government’s aim was to benefit farmers, they continue to sell their output to stockists, who sell the produce in markets of their choice. Financial Astrology Tips


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