Friday 21 August 2015

Renault-Nissan lays off 800 temps at Chennai plant

 Renault-Nissan Automotive India has laid off around 700-800 temporary employees at its Oragadam plant near Chennai following a decline in sales. The downsizing began months ago and comes in the wake of a similar action involving trainees earlier, which prompted nearly 30 trainees to file a case at a labour court here last month seeking reinstatement, sources said. S Kannan, CITU secretary for Kancheepuram district said, "The ousted trainees had asked for my help then and I assisted them in filing the case Stock Market Trading Tips

Alliance representatives say the downsizing of temporary employees this time round is part of "normal business adaptation". Speaking to TOI, Guillaume Sicard, president, Nissan India Operations, said, "We face a certain amount of volatility in the business cycle so we have to adapt the number of employees to the market condition on a short-term basis. So yes, we have had some slight reduction (in employee strength) but it is part of the normal business adaptation that we do on a 2-3 month basis Financial Astrology  Tips

While declining to confirm the exact number of temps laid off, he added, "We are extremely careful with decisions like this and we always take into account the business cycle to follow six months later and plan production accordingly. But when we have business constraints, we have to take a decision and we take them," he said. On the Nissan side, he said, there are two assembly lines — "one is close to peak to prepare for our new launch in the first half of next year but we are decreasing the second line to adapt to the market Indian stock market astrology prediction


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