Thursday 20 August 2015

Work policies may be kinder, but brutal competition isn’t

On Wall Street, in Silicon Valley, across the legal profession and the corporate world, a growing chorus of companies are singing the praises of a kinder workplace, announcing policies like generous maternity leave at Netflix, and Goldman Sachs's rule against investment-banking analysts working on Saturdays Himanshu Tiwari Astrologer Blog

But a closer look at the forces that drive the relentless pace at elite companies suggests that — however much the most sought-after employers in the country may be changing their official policies — brutal competition remains an inescapable component of workers' daily lives. In some ways it's getting worse.

"Jimmy Carter tried to get a rule in place for his executive White House staff to be gone and having dinner with their family in the evening, and it broke down," said Robert H. Frank, a prominent economist at Cornell University who writes often for The New York Times. "In a competitive environment, that's what you get Financial Astrology Trading Tips


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