Friday 18 September 2015

Green norms take Gujarat to No 1 spot on 'ease of business' list

 Gujarat has grabbed the nation's attention by clinching the numero uno position in the recently released World Bank report on 'Ease of Doing Business Index'. With an overall score of 71.14%, Gujarat, the home state of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, has become the only state in India to score 100% in compliance with environmental procedures Stock Market Trading Tips

The 100/100 has played a major role the state attaining the top rank. Interestingly, the difference in the score between Gujarat and second-ranked Andhra Pradesh is 1.02%.

Of the total eight areas assessed, Gujarat could not make it to the top five with regard to setting up a business and registering and complying with tax procedures Himanshu Tiwari Astrologer Blog

The state is ranked second in four areas. Had Gujarat not achieved 100% in the environmental aspect, the state may have found it difficult to reach the top spot.

The report acknowledges initiatives taken by the state towards better environment compliance. The World Bank cites a case study on Gujarat's eXtended Green Node (XGN) consent management system to explain how the state achieved a 100% score Indian stock market astrology prediction


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