Wednesday 4 November 2015

Government considers to buy in-use cars for tests

Government is considering the proposal to purchase different models of cars, which are in use, to test whether these comply with the emission specifications as part of the "conformity of production" (COP) tests. Under the plan, in-use vehicles will be bought from individual owners to conduct tests and later on, the same would be sold in the market Stock Market Trading Tips

Sources said that National Automotive Testing and R&D Infrastructure Project (NATRiP) has sent this proposal to the road transport and highways ministry. To begin with, the government may get samples of vehicles that were recently bought and particularly those of popular models. 

COP clause ensures that every produced vehicle of a particular model conforms to specifications mentioned in the type approval document that are provided by the government accredited testing agencies. 

At present, the testing agencies get samples from the factories for the COP test. The samples are picked after the consent of the manufacturer and the testing agency concerned Himanshu Tiwari Astrologer Blog

"How do you find that the vehicles which are sold and are in use also comply with the emission norms as specified in the type approval document? We need to have a system in place before an authority to deal with vehicle safety and standards is set up under the proposed Road Transport and Safety Bill. Vehicles can be bought for testing and subsequently can be sold in the market by the testing agencies. Government would need to invest in the testing and bear the loss on the resale," said a government official. 

In the US, the safety regulator National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) buys samples from dealers for testing COP Indian stock market astrology prediction

In fact, the proposed authority in the Road Transport and Safety Bill will carry out sample tests after picking cars from dealers rather than taking vehicles from the manufacturers' facilities. The bill also proposes mandatory recall policy of faulty vehicles to replace the present practice of voluntary recall by vehicle manufacturers.


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